Today, I happened upon a copy of the local newspaper for the first time in what seems like forever. When I turned to the comic page, I found THREE different ‘Far Side’ knockoff strips, none of which, quite as funny as Gary Larson in his prime. Having not followed the proverbial funny pages since BD lost his leg in Iraq, I was entertained by some of what I saw, but even 25 years down the line, I have no idea what the hell the appeal of ‘Rex Morgan, MD’ is, but at least we got the impetus for today’s stripped-six-days-a-week query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) misses the days when you could read Watterson, Breathed and Larson every day, and has pretty much abandoned comic strips since, asking: What’s your favorite comic strip of all time?
Calvin + Hobbes. Lots of Honorable Mentions but, I mean, come on.
You really can’t do better. There are lots of greats, (and Far Side comes in a very close second) but Calvin & Hobbes was one of the funniest and smartest comic strips ever put to page.
I like Dilbert in general, but my favourite strip (which I cut out and taped on my door) is when Calvin is grumpy and wishes everyone else was dead. Also, might I recommend the comics curmudgeon, josh reads, where he goes over selected comic strips and mocks them.
Fingerpori. Its a Finnish comedy strip about a fictional town and its people, often using clever language based gags or commenting contemporary topics in clever way.