There are a lot of great fake entertainments in our favorite pop culture, but few are as fascinating to my mind as Robots Versus Wrestlers, a running gag in ‘How I Met Your Mother.’ Even better, later episodes promised the Legends version, with elderly wrestlers fighting old-timey robots in a wheelchair-accessible ring. Sure, on some level it seems cruel, but if you’ve ever seen El Santo fighting robot assassins and/or los vampiros mujeres, you know that the wrestlers bring a lot to the table, leading to today’s top-of-the-card query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is gonna cram a Timbit into a strawberry-vanilla and enjoy the show, but my money’s on the luchadors, asking: In a battle of Robots Versus Wrestlers, who will you put your money on: A robot or a wrestler?
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After I saw Kazuchika Okada put down a dragon with a lariat, a wrestler.