Tom Taylor is one of the luckiest guys in the comics industry. He has developed his own version of the DC Universe, and he’s done a lot of amazing things with it!
Of course, this comic is based on the Injustice video game, which he also scripted, and it’s just terrific fun!
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Xermanico
Cover Artist: Tyler Kirkham
Published by: DC Comics
Cover price: $2.99
SOLICITATION: The battle against Starro comes to a tragic conclusion. And while Blue Beetle engages with one intergalactic menace, Superboy and Wonder Girl are taken prisoner by a new one—Brainiac!
Quick aside: A friend in the industry was asking for a recommendation regarding what comic he should be reading. I directed him to the first trade of Injustice. Well, he read it, and the rest is history! He’s as hooked as I am now!
Taylor continues to take us where no DCU has gone before, and currently, he’s dealing with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, the Legion, and Superboy and Wonder Girl. Let’s just say that not everyone in that previous sentence makes it out of this issue alive! And when you die in Injustice, you stay dead!
One of the strengths of Taylor’s writing is his ability to flesh out characters I wasn’t all that interested in before. His take on Conner Kent (Superboy) has been really engaging, and he’s doing a wonderful job, dare I say it, on one of the Wonder Girls. I just don’t know what he’s going to do next!
Granted, he’s locked into his own continuity, but it’s great that he doesn’t look to the regular DCU to know where to go. He’s one of the few creators around the industry today that I trust with a version of the DCU! Great stuff!
As far as pacing goes, this comic is always a serious page-turner. I’m always disappointed when I get to that last page because I want more! This issue, though is something different as we reach something of a conclusion when it comes to the Green Lanterns, for instance. Again, I didn’t see this one coming!
And that’s not the only surprise in this issue! A favorite character of mine comes back to get a proper ending, in my opinion! I was very pleased to see Mr. Taylor right that particularly grievous wrong from the main DCU.
When you draw a team book, it’s got to be daunting, especially given the number of characters in this series! The Green Lantern Corps, the Legion, the Justice League (of sorts) are only a few of the groups we encounter. Each one is drawn right, and some are a pleasure to see again!
When things happen, they really move on the page! On some levels, it’s like watching a favorite animated series because so much goes on and is portrayed so well that I find myself poring over the images once I’ve digested the story. Well done!
BOTTOM LINE: More Injustice!
I’ve often said that Superman is one of the most difficult heroes to write because he’s so very moral. We know what he’ll do every time! Not so in this series, and that’s also true of Batman and the other characters we encounter. It’s enjoyable to actually wonder what will happen next instead of watching the galactic reset button get hit.
I must confess that I have not yet played the Injustice or Injustice 2 video game, but I’m sure this comic is just as engaging as it would be if I had gotten into them. It’s one of those “Elseworlds” stories that I wouldn’t miss for anything! Highly recommended!
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