We at Major Spoilers have talked at length, as all nerds have, about the twin cornerstones of science-fiction: The sleek, clean antiseptic future of Star Trek versus the dissipated, totemic long, long ago of Star Wars. Major Spoilers’ own Rodrigo has urged us all to stop the nerd-on-nerd violence, so we won’t be discussing which world is superior or has better acting. (To be frank, Shatner and Hamill kind of cancel one another out on the acting front, at least in 1977.) But once in a while, you just have to let you mind wander and let your pop culture idols lay the imaginary smackdown on one another in the ol’ Trek Wars. It is, in the words of Chris Knight, a moral imperative, leading to today’s enterprising query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) wonders if the galaxy far, far away is a place where no man has gone before, asking: Time for the Trek Wars! Kirk and Spock or Luke and Han?
Acting, Luke & Han, because of Harrison Ford. Otherwise, Han & Chewie.
I kind of see Luke and Kirk doing that hunched over, spin in a circle, stand-off thing for a bit, while the real fight is between Spock and Han. And, once Spock gets the Vulcan grip on him, there ya go, fight is done. (But, since Han is played by Ford, there’s half a chance he’ll pull an Indy on us and bring out a pistol.)