This weekend, while grocery shopping, I grabbed a box of chocolate Twinkies and, I gotta tell ya, they’re pretty amazing. They combine the spongy texture of a regular Twinkie with the fudginess of a Hostess cupcake and a nice pop of whipped lard in the center, making a really solid snack cake experience. Of course, I’m expecting it to be discontinued like my previous fave-raves the chocolate-frosted Honeybun, the raspberry Zinger and the Little Debbie Spice Cake, leading us to today’s sugar-frosted, cream-filled query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will still have Ho-Hos, though, as they’ll not only never get discontinued, they never go bad, asking: Which snack cake would be your go-to sweet treat?
Those little chocolate donuts you get in the vending machine.
I don’t get them often, but I enjoy them when I get the chance.
Oh, those are the best. I like the waxy texture of the outer chocolate when you bit into it.
Similarly, I’ll take the white powdered donuts.
Little Debbie Coffee Cake. Like about 30 of them. But, since they are made of crap, I haven’t had one in over 10 years.