In January, Marvel kicks off the brand new Conan the Barbarian series from writer Jason Aaron and artists Mahmud Asrar, and cover artist Esad Ribic.
“I’ve literally been preparing for this job since I was 13 and discovered my first Robert E. Howard Conan paperback in a used bookstore in my little hometown of Jasper, Alabama,” said Aaron in a statement from Marvel. “I devoured every Howard book I could find after that, and I’ve been making up Conan stories in my head ever since. Now I finally get to do that for real, alongside the amazing Mahmud Asrar. So this opportunity means an awful lot to me, and I’m cherishing every blood-splattered, spider-haunted second of it.”
While it will be interesting to see what Aaron and Asrar bring to the table, I can’t help but wonder if Marvel will reach out to Roy Thomas, who wrote a long run of the Conan series when the property was at Dark Horse Comics.