In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: The party has made it to the Hexagon Towers, but someone has made it there first.
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1 Comment
I am Fabiano from São Paulo, Brasil.
I have played AD&D since 2nd edition, a bit of 3rd edition and skipped 4th, but now I am playing again 5th edition on roll20.
I found out about you guys back in April 22nd 2018. Then I sprinted to catch up with the up to date episodes, and I finally made it.
I have belatedly witnessed the struggle of all of you to set up a better place and better equipment, manage your social network for financing the show and, obviously, the awesome learning of storytelling through Rodrigo’s skilled and hard-worked masterpiece campaign.
The players friendship grew, the synergy did so as well. I am glad for the latest formation of the party players-wise.
Also, I have grimaced more often than not at the relativistic leaning expressed opinions on personal choices, Christianity (oh, so many times) and other matters that do imply consequences (some of which are the same ones that have been criticized on the above expressed opinions).
Many times I have thought of how I would like to share a beer and talk to all of you; mostly about games of course.
I have much to thank you all for the entertainment. Even though I could ask for a better audio production (direction, editing and effects), Stephen can’t do it all alone. I am glad the fans have been helping. I wish I could.
Maybe I find a good way to do it.
You deserve every effort on our part to help you guys.
God bless you.