The say there are only two kinds of people in the world. Sadly, “they” don’t agree on what those two kinds are: Dog people or cat people? Star Wars or Star Trek? Marvel or DC? But perhaps the simplest dichotomy of all comes in the people who argue between Spider-Man or Batman. Do you want the silent Dark Avenger of the Night or the fast-talking Arach-knight? The big scalloped cape or the underarm webs? Full-face mask or cowl? The comparisons are fascinating, leading to today’s red-vs.-blue query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) also needs you to supply your own context, asking: Spider-Man or Batman?
Taking the easy route and choosing favorites, it will depend on version.
If it is Bruce vs Peter, then Spider-Man comes out on top. But if it is Terry vs Peter, then my choice is Batman.
I don’t have enough strong feelings either way to make a choice on Miles. I like him, I just don’t know if I like him more or less than Bruce or Terry.
Takuya Yamashiro, on the other hand, wins everything by virtue of having Leopardon. The series hasn’t aged particularly well, but I still love that incarnation more than most incarnations of Batman.
100% Batman
I grew up during the batman explosion that followed the first Tim Burton movie and extended into the Animated Series of the 90’s. To me, he was over-saturated into my teenage entertainment and I’m just kind of tired of him. He’s still cool, I’ve just eaten my fill of batman for at least another decade or so.
So I’m with the webslinger.
Can’t decide because you chose the only two characters from DC & Marvel that I really love.
Q: Which one has had more series, mini-series, one-shots and spin-off characters with related series, mini-series, and one-shots?
A: Batman, by a cowl tip
I love both these characters for very different reasons, but the fact of the matter is that I pick Spider-Man over Batman. However I would choose Batmans rogues gallery over Spidey’s.
Spiderman – he is more relatable. The fantasy of Batman requires that one first be a multi billionaire. To be Spiderman, you just have to be a smart alleck kid who gets bitten by a spider. Both require dead parents.