Major Spoilers Patreon members are just days away from having access to the latest ‘Why Do You Hate Me?’ review, a look at the 1993 tour de force, ‘Godzilla Vs. Barkley.’ It’s… pretty much what it says on the tin, given that it’s a comic book inspired by a Nike commercial and predicated on the fame of a basketball star. I don’t want to give too much away about this particular comic, but it’s an example of the kind of dumb but endearing stories that make comic books such fun, leading to today’s slam-dunk query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) finds that a certain kind of fan likes to moan about anything whimsical in comics, but feels that ‘Archie Vs. Punisher’ is a high-water point in the history of Marvel Comics, asking: What’s your VERY FAVORITE dumb but endearing moment in pop culture?
Randy Quaid’s character in Independence Day.
When Mega Man got a robot dog helper, Rush in Mega Man 3.
The only, repeat only, thing I like from South Park is Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo. I have no idea why. I hate that kind of comedy. I don’t even like that bean scene in Blazing Saddles. But Mr. Hanky just send sends me.
He loves me, I love you. Therefore vicariously he loves you too!