BOOM! Studios and Cartoon Network are kicking off Steven Universe: Harmony, a five-issue mini-series from writer S.M. Vidaurii, and artist Mollie Rose.
As Steven helps Sadie cope with quitting her job at the Big Donut and losing Lars, Steven and the Gems must work together to deactivate an old Diamond Authority artifact called the Harmony Core before it destroys Earth.
“STEVEN UNIVERSE: HARMONY was inspired by the beautiful world that Rebecca Sugar created, and the incredible music,” said S.M. Vidaurri. “I was in bands in middle school and high school, and I remember how high-stakes things felt. So when Sadie Killer and the Suspects was introduced, I was smitten. I wanted to write a story that balanced Steven’s gem related capers with his playing in a band. Because both feel like they could be the end of the world if something goes wrong.”
“I’ve been following Rebecca Sugar’s work for nearly a decade and Steven Universe since the beginning,” said Mollie Rose. “Rebecca’s work was really influential for me when I was a teen, especially her comics (I have a treasured copy of Pug Davis), so working on this is definitely a really cool opportunity. I’ve always admired Steven Universe’s dedication to creating complex and diverse characters and worlds, and getting to be a part of that universe is really exciting!”
There is also a different format for this series, that should get more than a few looks. As revealed at ICv2, each issue will be in an eight inch by eight inch square format.
Steven Universe: Harmony #1 is scheduled to arrive in August 2018.