After being one of the nay-sayers about his joining the Justice League after Rebirth, I found myself really bummed when Lobo quit the team. The Main Man is one of those characters that it’s hard to get a read on, and some writers make him too nihilistic and cruel, but Steve Orlando’s take balances the same filthy weirdo from the 1990s with a streak of nobility, creating a weird friendship with Ryan Choi in the bargain. These stories have given me an appreciation of Lobo that I haven’t had for years, an appreciation that I though I might never know again, leading to today’s fraggin’ query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) also isn’t going to apologize for the pun you are about to receive, asking: What’s you take on the Main Man: Lobo or Lo-NO?
To me, Lobo is in a category of select characters that I REALLY enjoy, but only when they are written a certain way.
Lobo on a team? Yes please.
Lobo as a lone wolf? Wake me when it’s over.
I’ve only read one Lobo book, and that was a crossover with Batman. That said, I really liked him on the Superman: TAS.
L.E.G.I.O.N. Lobo and first few mins? Big yes please.
Post that… Eh.
Yes in a certain way and in small doses. As a regular “main man”, nope.
I have a Heroclix figure of Lobo staring at me from atop my computer tower as we speak. I believe he would be displeased if I didn’t say I was strongly pro-Lobo.