Wilson and Berg take a quick look at the new Hasbro Marvel Legends Avengers Infinity War wave from the upcoming movie.
Hasbro Marvel Legends Avengers Infinity War Wave Review – SHOCK ‘N AWE TOY REVIEWS
Wilson and Berg take a quick look at the new Marvel Legends wave from the upcoming Infinity War movie.Shock ‘n Awe Toy Reviews: 2 Idiots. 1 camera. And a …
Shock ‘n Awe Toy Reviews: 2 Idiots. 1 camera. And a review. Please comment below and if you enjoyed our review, like and subscribe to our channel. Let us know what you liked, didn’t like and any ideas you may have for other toys you’d like to see reviewed in future episodes! Twitter: @ShockNAweToys Follow Wilson on Twitter @scaabs Follow the Berg on Twitter @RagiFoesmasher www.Facebook.com/ShockNAweToyReviews All content is copyright of Shock ‘n Awe video
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