Recently, I started thinking about ‘Community’, a show that I was utterly into for a while that sort of just… rolled off the end of the pier. Among the things that show insisted were true was that Britta Perry, young would-be activist and joiner extraordinaire, was The Worst. I’m still not sure why that was believed to be the case, as the rest of her friends were pretty terrible (especially Pierce and Jeff, but only a little bit so) in their own right, but one of the show’s catch-phrases became a reminder of her perceived bottom-of-the-barrel nature, leading us to today’s categorical query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is always a little leery of opening the floodgates on this one, asking: Which fictional character is actually the worst?
Al Bundy. But he’s also one of the best!
Delores Umbridge.