The second round of Favorite Cover Madness is here! As there can be only one, and we are working our way through the best of the best of the best covers, week four’s Amazing Spider-Man #33 takes on week five’s Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85. Which will win? That depends on which cover is your favorite!
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While both covers are classics and well made, there just is a timelessness to Amazing Spider-Man #33 that still makes it stand out whenever I see it. Green Lantern/Green Arrow places both feet firmly in the time it was made. I like both, but prefer Amazing Spider-Man for that reason.
I picked ASM 33. While I know from the cover of GL/GA that the issue is going to tackle some heavy stuff, I feel like I already know what it’s going to say…even if I don’t know what it says; where as when I look at the cover of ASM 33 I have no idea what’s happening, but I really want to, no…I HAVE TO know what’s happening/happened.