The OTP or “One True Pairing” is a concept related to ‘shipping, the process by which fans root for a fictional couple to get together as a real romantic blah blah blah fishcakes. You guys are pretty hip, you know all this stuff. As such, you understand when I say that my OTPs are Hank Pym/Tigra, Luka/Ahim and Supergirl/Brainiac 5. That last one is suddenly more relevant, what with it being an ongoing TV show and not the backmatter of a forty-year-old comic book. The unlikely coupling of the Maid From Krypton and the Greatest Mind Of Colu is a great one, given her tendency to be emotionally open and his to be… not. Like, at all… Regardless, it leads us to today’s interpersonal query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would also accept Luka/Joe, but given that there’s ‘ship teasing between literally EVERY pairing of Gokaigers, it’s easier to accept, asking: What duo of fictional characters is your One True Pairing?
Mary Jane and Peter Parker
Me and Willow Rosenberg. Doesn’t count? Well, I always thought Scott and Jean was perfect and was never a fan of certain hairy Canadian forced in as a third wheel.
I’m not big on relationship speculation, but I have a soft spot for Tyson the Cyclops son of Poseidon and Ella the Harpy from the Percy Jackson novels setting. How could I resist such an adorable monster couple?
Hmm, fun question. I suppose I’d have to say the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel from the wonderful Decoder Ring Theatre Red Panda audio drama series and its spin-offs. They’re one of the great will they/won’t they’s of pop culture.
Reed and Sue Richardsz