We are kicking off 2018 a day early with one of the most controversial Major Spoilers Poll of the Week we’ve ever had! No, really… look it up.
Okay, I know you aren’t going to look it up, but trust me this one is the big one as we ask you another important question about your favorite comic book covers!
I went with Flash 123 because I feel it’s more dramatic and clear what’s gonna happen if the Flashes don’t rescue the guy on the ground.
This one was really difficult as I do love both covers, but it is the cover of The Flash I had to go with. It just has that little extra something that draws me to it.
Flash #123.
Not necessarily for the cover but for importance of this issues. However the cover is wonderful.
Few things can compete with the sheer lunacy of a martian wrestling with a giant starfish. B&B 28 gets my vote.