With the upcoming Christmas Special/regeneration episode/multi-Doctor episode nearly upon us, BBC America has begun marathonning Doctor Who, making me think back about the previous incarnations of the Time Lord sometimes called Theta Sigma. The rules of regeneration should not have allowed for the Twelfth Doctor’s existence, and the new cycle of lives left him without a rudder in a universe that seemed particularly malicious. His adoption of cool Dad sunglasses, an electric guitar and casual clothes made his eldest-looking modern incarnation feel like a midlife crisis, but what counts as the best of Twelve? That’s where you come in, Faithful Spoilerites, with today’s vaguely Scottish query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is emotionally wrecked to realize that Twelve will never know that his words actually got through to Missy before her own worst nature got the best of her, asking: Which Twelfth Doctor moment is your pick for the Best Of Twelve?
In “The Husbands of River Song,” when River gives the speech about why they’ll never find the Doctor & finally realizes who’s standing next to her with a “Hello, Sweetie” on his lips.
“There’s a horror movie called Alien? That’s really offensive. No wonder everyone keeps invading you!”
The Doctor: Time.
Bill: Time?
The Doctor: And relative dimension in space. [Opens the TARDIS door with a snap] It means… “What the hell.”