One of the most important things in the buying of comics appears to be habit. You go to the store on a certain day at a certain time and voila – there are your comics waiting for you!
Depending on the store and the time, you may find that NOT the case this Wednesday, July 5!
Over the past few years, the comics industry has made a serious attempt to be sure your comic-buying experience happens at the same time, week after week.
Sometimes that’s meant shipping two weeks of comics at one time. It seems that some weeks have been shipped early in the period.
That doesn’t seem to be the case this time.
Several stores I am friends with have been telling people that, due to tomorrow, Tuesday, being the Fourth of July holiday, the comics will not arrive until early-to-mid Wednesday. For some stores, that may mean you not being able to buy your books until Thursday this week.
One store I know has been telling customers that their books won’t arrive until at least 1 p.m. on Wednesday. Depending on how quickly they can sort out their comics, it may be at least an hour or two longer before fans can start buying this week’s product. It could take longer, though.
I’m not clear on if this is how the procedure will move ahead from now on, or if this is just a one-week-only thing. Either way, I highly recommend you call your local store (especially if you have a subscription there) and ask when the best time will be to stop by.
The reason stores and the industry worked hard to keep things following the weekly pattern is that, a habitual industry (meaning you go regularly out of habit) like comics can really get gummed up if you don’t follow the weekly set-up.
In the past, some stores have held trade-paperback sales or other functions to give people who regularly come on Wednesday something to buy. However, that doesn’t always work, particularly with fans who arrive expecting their weekly stash. I mean, I don’t have many trades I really want these days. If I go, I really want this week’s comics. Really!
I mean, I know several fans who, if their store doesn’t have the comics they want, will seek out a store – any store in driving distance – who can sell them what they want, particularly if their schedule doesn’t allow them back to their local comics shop until next week.
I know that many shops don’t like it when their customers call them ahead of time to ask what’s going on. And I know some fans can be a nuisance of themselves by pestering store employees by calling again and again if they have questions or concerns.
However, this week I strongly recommend you call your usual place today, if you can, or early on Wednesday to see how your books will be available and when.
If you’re one of the lucky ones, they’ll tell you things will occur as usual on Wednesday. If not, you’ll be better informed regarding how to proceed on Hump Day … or later.
I like to be straightforward with readers of this column. Often I hear what’s going on and want to keep everyone on the same page.
This week, however, maybe due to it being a four-day holiday extravaganza, but I’m not sure what’s taking place. Like I said, if this is a one-time deal or if this is how things are going to revert back to being again. I hope it’s the former.
Maybe some of you know more about all this than I do! If so, please share the info we need in the space below. Or you could weigh in on whether this is something you don’t mind happening … or if it’s something you do! Personally, I like my books being ready for me to pick up earlier on Wednesday each week. Perhaps you could share what’s going on at your favorite store. Whatever your opinion or thoughts, please share your thoughts in the space below!