Moop has some monsters and he’s mashing them up. What happens when those monsters find their way into a Munchkin game?
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The marvelous magician Moop is mashing up monsters to meet the marauding munchkins.
He’s created bizarre new animals such as the Owligator and Kangarooster! But the heroes can fight back with their own mixed-up weapons, including Sockodiles and the Beaver Cleaver. This Munchkin is the craziest ever . . . but it’s still Munchkin, so the first player to Level 10 wins!
Moop’s Monster Mashup is a stand-alone game, but can also be combined with Munchkin or any of the Munchkin games.
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Regarding the factory recall card: Rob was right. Consider this: would Stephen have played his factory recall card beforehand Rob played his ‘win the combat card’? I don’t think so, as Rob would have won the battle. Therefore, while Rob may have laid his card quickly, the end result would have been the same.
Just weighing in on the combat with the Recall card. While I agree that Rob perhaps played the duplicate and Moop cards too quickly together, giving no other player a chance to respond, I would also point out the Recall card says “during combat”, while the Moop card ended combat with a win for Rob.
The thing I have to ask is, if Rob played the duplicate monster card and then paused, would Stephen have played the Recall card at that point? I would imagine not, because Rob was losing the combat at that point. So when he played the Moop card next, the combat was over.
I see Stephen’s point of “but this is a perfect place to use this card”, but that’s thinking of the card in an offensive capacity. From a defensive standpoint, using that card to clear out monsters in a combat you are in to help you win is another use.
TLDR, I agree with Rob.
I agree with Stephen. The wording on Miraculous Moop is:
“The munchkins must be losing by at least 10 points at the moment you play Miraculous Moop. The munchkins automatically win that fight. This cannot give a munchkin the winning level. Usable once only.”
At no point does it say the combat is over, it just states the Munchkins win the fight. It’s similar to the point where if you’re fighting a monster that somehow gets taken out of combat, with no monsters left, another player may play a wandering monster back in to combat.
So while the Munchkins will win the combat, the combat isn’t over.
That’s how I view the wording.
Also from the FAQ
“You may have automatically killed the monster in question, but your fellow munchkins still have a reasonable time to respond. They probably cannot do anything to help the now-defeated monster, but they can still wander in a new one for you to fight.”