These days, narratives are more complex and the audiences who read/watch/listen much more sophisticated than the days when Lucy crying was a punchline for most episodes of ‘I Love Lucy.’ This has led to sublime moments, like Ted & Victoria’s first date but also the strips where it seems that Garfield is starving to death in an abandoned house. For me, those weird moments are as entertaining as the plotted ones, and even the most inexplicable moment of them all is somebody’s favorite part (except for that dying Garfield thing, because that’s just terrifying) leading to today’s perplexing query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) still doesn’t know what in the world the Dream Cheese Man from ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ means, asking: What scene is the most inexplicable moment in all of your favorite pop culture?
Ending of 2001: Space Odyssey. No idea what happened.
It’s all explained in the novelisation of the sequel. It still doesn’t make much sense but it is something
“Forever Red” and “Legendary Battle” of Power Rangers. It was all cool because they involved multiple past Rangers of various teams showing up, but it was never explained how some of them got their powers back, particularly since some of those powers were “lost forever”. There are fan theories, of course (I’m partial to the theory that something akin to the events of “Once a Ranger” happened and the powers were restored from backup data in the Morphin Grid), but there are no official explanations.
But I was just happy to see Tommy as the Green Ranger again, so I try not to overthink it.