Daniel Tsuchida is half-human, his father is part of a lost race of cat-people in Zaire. Raised by his mother in America, Daniel joined Youngblood and quickly became a cynical, self-centered sorta-hero, perhaps best known for ripping a man to pieces and smirking “Too rare for my taste.” His namesake sour mash bourbon is interesting, if only because some of their labels seem to have the same line drawing of a wildcat as a high school football team that rivaled my school in the late 1980s…
Totally thought this was going to about fictional spirits, like that Ol Janx Spirit or Romulan Ale. Can you do that next?
I don’t promise “next”, but I can certainly do it. :)
I seem to remember that J. Walker also went undercover for a time a “Jack Daniels,” so that’s a two-fer.