“It’s clobberin’ time!” “Hulk smash!” ” I’m a real piece of work, mate. Ask anybody…” Pop culture is full of amazing fightin’ words, pre-fight one-liners and general boasting. (Even Batman has one: “Some days you can’t get rid of a bomb!”) Maybe it’s the wrestling fan in me, but I always like when a character verbally demoralizes someone before the big climactic fight sequence, leading to today’s verbose query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) favors Mal Reynolds’s “I swear on my pretty floral Bonnet, I will end you,” asking: When it comes to Fightin’ Words, who’s badass boast would you steal for yourself?
“Any man with two hands has a fighting chance.”
“Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam”
Roughly translated – “It is a good day to die”
Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing’s catchphrase.
“It’s Clobberin’ Time!”
“One shall stand; one shall fall.”