By far my most lasting memory of the first season of Daredevil is the extended combat sequence in the hallway, showing a (probably too realistic) sequence where Matt Murdock battles his way through a gauntlet of goons, reminiscent of the end of Scorcese’s ‘Taxi Driver.’ As live-action battle sequences (or, as we call ’em at Major Spoilers, ‘The Ol’ Fighty-Fighty’) go, it was memorable, kinetic and powerful, really selling the consequences of being the protector of Hell’s Kitchen. Of course, the comic book source material is full of such iconic battle moments: Spider-Man vs. The Juggernaut. Batman vs. Ra’s Al Ghul in the desert. Destroyer Duck and the Liberty Project assaulting Zzed’s fortress. The fight sequence is one of the hallmarks of superheroic fiction, for good or ill, and doing it right is key to success, leading to today’s martial query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) thinks that Marvel/Netflix is gonna need a bigger hallway for Luke Cage, asking: What’s the hands-down most impressive combat sequence/fight scene/example of the ol’ fighty-fighty *ever* in pop culture?
In movies, Jet Li’s Hong Kong films circa 1993. In video games, Platinum Games’ action stuff (Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Vanquish). In comics, any of the Blade Of the Immortals thousands of swordfights.
The superhero fight sequence from Civil War, OR the Roddy Piper -Keith David alley fight in They Live