So… you may have heard the reviews for Suicide Squad have not been spectacular, and this has upset everyone including Abdullah Coldwater who has set up a petition at to have Rotten Tomatoes shut down because of all the hate.
In his petition, Coldwater says, “We need this site to be shut down because It’s Critics always give The DC Extended Universe movies unjust Bad Reviews, Like
1- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016
2- Suicide Squad 2016
and that Affects people’s opinion even if it’s a really great movies”
Yup. That’s right, apparently a site that aggregates reviews from media outlets around the country is to blame for a potential Suicide Squad debacle this weekend. Mysteriously missing are the claims that Disney/Marvel paid for all of the negative reviews… oh wait, that’s what the comment section is for.
They are marvel fanboys who.hate dc
Rotten Tomatoes has shown their bias time and time again. May I suggest that your average critic is too braindead from watching Di$ney Marvel sitcoms (and enjoying their free movies and junkettes) to comprehend a true artistic acheivement like Suicide Squad? I know it might be challenging to understand a script written by the guy who made Training Day and End of Watch instead of Bring it On, lol.
Seriously, you need to read the comment section if you are feeling down and need a good laugh.
In order for the “petition” to move forward, 2,500 signatures were needed. Less than 24 hours after it reached the milestone, the petition is under 1,000 signatures from 15,000. It’s unclear if those signing the petition are really upset and want Rotten Tomatoes shut down, or if they are just trolling the petitioner.
To clarify the situation, Coldwater posted an update today.
First : Thank you very much for reaching more than 5000 supporter
Second A Clarification : A petition definitely won’t shut down the site
The aim of the petition is to deliver a message to the critics that there is a lot of people disagree with their reviews.
A lot of people the supporters and the opponents of the petition act like we are already going right now to shut down the site
not it’s just a way to express our anger
I think someone needs to tell Coldwater that there are many other ways to express his frustration (YouTube, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and more), that are probably a better outlet than
Or maybe not.
Are you going to sign this petition, or simply shrug and move on?
Thanks to all the fantastic Spoilerites who pointed us in the direction of this story.
I’m genuinely confused by this attitude, how is so hard for people to understand A, how RT works and B, that critic might have a different opinion from them?
Sometimes the fandom saddens me. This is one of those times.
We allow critics to give out awards to movies that look terrible all the time. I usually dislike oscar winning movies because they are not for me. Same applies here. I thought X-Men was a good movie the critics did not. I went to see it anyway. Same in this instance with Suicide Squad. Conversely I disliked most of BvS as did the critics. I do not build my life around critics when watching movies unless I am on the fence about it.