Are you ready for a chilling Deadman mini-series? DC Comics has announced Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love, a new mini set during the ’60s and ’70s.
A young woman with a conflicted heart and the ability to see ghosts, Berenice lives with her boyfriend, Nathan, in a grand mansion in New England but is growing closer and closer to her best friend, Sam. As she struggles with her heart’s desire, a dark presence settles over the mansion, drawing the attention of the ghostly superhero Deadman. As Berenice and Deadman seek to free the house and its inhabitants of Adelia Whitehall’s (known as the Darkness) vengeful rage, more disturbing and sinister secrets emerge, leaving Berenice in grave danger.
The mini-series is brought to us from creators Sarah Vaughn, and Lan Medina, and will be a three issue prestige format event.
“I’ve been reading romance novels and comics since I was kid, and it is a genre I am positively passionate about,” says writer Sarah Vaughn. “I can’t tell you how excited I am to be able to tell a modern gothic horror story with classic DC roots.”
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love arrives in October 2016.