SPIDER-MAN! SCORPIO! Let’s get ready to rummmblllle! Your Major Spoilers review of Amazing Spider-Man #10 awaits!
Writer: Dan Slott
Penciler: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Inker: Cam Smith
Colorist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Amazing Spider-Man: “Zodiac, an international terrorist organization, hijacked the entire SHIELD satellite network to gain access to SHIELD’s global scanners. They also staged a daring heist on the British Museum, stealing an ancient and mysterious artifact called The Orrery. SHIELD has been working with The Amazing Spider-Man to mount a counteroffensive. Spider-Man’s last mission took him to outer space to repossess the SHIELD satellites, but in order to stop another Zodiac strike, Spider-Man had to return to Earth’s surface directly from the stratosphere, no shuttle, no parachute. He barely survived, and to make matters worse, Zodiac’s leader, Scorpio, was waiting for him, ready to strike, when he landed…”
I’ll tell you right up front: The best part of this issue is how the creative team manages to make it a full-speed chase sequence from start to finish, while also serving as the big reveal to Spider-Man of what has been happening. After crashing to Earth last issue, he is immediately attacked by Scorpio, but (barely) manages to defend himself and the crowd of Parisians amongst whom he landed. Spider-Man is almost defeated, but Scorpio leaves, under the advice of his precognitive Gemini, with Spider-Man and Anna-Maria in hot pursuit. There’s a high-speed train battle, a couple of truly punishing moments for the Arach-Knight, and a lovely sequence where he calls in all his genius employee/colleagues via remote link to figure out the one piece of information he was missing: Scorpio is actually Vernon Jacobs, a major investor in Parker Industries.
As well-done as the story is, the art by Camuncoli and Smith is a revelation, reminding me of the good old days of John Romita, Jr, while retaining is own charms, and every page is filled with lovely moments. Even the sight of Peter’s bruises and abrasions while changing his mask is flat-out beautiful to look at. There’s also some quiet setup for the ‘Dead No More Event’ in these pages, as the mysterious somebody gathers The Rhino, The Lizard and a now-powerless Electro for unknown means. I’m actually a fan of this type of subplot interlacing, old-school though it is, and it really makes Spider-Man’s world feel larger when things are happening at the same time as his regular adventures. I’m still not 100% sold on the design of the new suit, but this issue finally explains how Scorpio has managed to pull off all the night-on magical moves he has made thus far, and the issue ends with the promise of a final confrontation (for whatever value those words have in comic books) in the near future…
In short, Amazing Spider-Man #10 is a good one, featuring character work perfectly folded into a high-speed plot, some smart Spider-Man moves, cool Spider-Man quips and a couple of “How does he take that much punishment moments?” delivered with excellent art, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. This run of Spider-man is as good as the book has been in fifteen years or more, so good that I’m actually looking forward to the incoming summer crossover shmageggi…
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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