It’s weird the way things happen. Last year, we had our exclusive first look at the Ghostbusters board game during Nerdtacular 2015. Then a few months ago, we sat down to record a Munchkin Land episode where we finally got to play the game (no, it hasn’t been released yet, that’s how far ahead we are). During that recording, I mentioned a new Kickstarter for a game sequel should happen in 2016, and now it is!
The new game is a true sequel, as Vigo and his minions return to take over the world. Only your team of Ghostbusters can stop Vigo.
…the second game in the series ups the ante with lots of new game elements, including Slime Blower Pack Ghostbusters, Ooze entities that can split apart and join back together, allies, new equipment like Ecto Goggles and Portal Destabilizers, and much more!
The game tiles will also change to show collapsed buildings, exposed sewer systems, and a ghost train. The game will also feature new figures based on the Ghostbusters comic book from IDW publishing as designed by Dan Schoening.
We still have a month to wait for the Kickstarter to launch, but when it does, I expect it will fund within minutes of launch.