Last month, DC Entertainment shared information about the March polybag variant event running through the Batman and Superman titles. Today, the publisher sent us two more variant covers to share with you.
March’s Batman v Superman polybagged comics will follow a format similar to December’s Harley’s Little Black Book variant program, where three different versions of each variant were printed in equal quantity. All ten upcoming Batman v Superman comics will also have three versions printed in equal quantity, but this time they’ll be published in full color, fade and character spotlight.
March will see the addition of Ryan Ottley’s variant for Robin: Son of Batman #20…
…and Kaare Andrews’ variant for Superman #50!
What do you think of these two covers? I’m really interested in getting my hands on the Ottley cover, and hope my polybag is reading my mind and fulfilling my wishes, ’cause the universe isn’t listening when it comes to my lottery tickets.