Top Five Batman Stories
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
Everything is better with Batman, including this week’s Top Five where we share our favorite Batman stories!
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One of favorite Batman experience was within an issue of Justice League of America, I think it was issue 112 (a 100 pages of 60 cents…those were the days). August 1974
As I recall the entire Justice League lost 1/2 of their powers, including Batman (whose power is his superior mind). Amazo (an android) was being used to collect the other half of the entire teams powers. However, a half-powered JLA could not defeat an Amazo with half of their strengths. One by one each member of the JLA was defeated and Batman was no where to be seen in battle…but he was working on a method to defeat Amazo. He was also sweating, because he lacked the confidence his plan would work.
Spoilers…Batman defeats Amazo with hidden metal glove used to cut off Amazo’s head.
Batman: Knightfall introduced me to Bane (one of my favorite) and “Venom”…I know Bane’s origin is ridiculous (unborn baby serves prison sentence for father?), but “I LIKED IT!”
Will there be a Batman/Tale of Tallest Rabbit Crossover?
1. The Dark Knight Returns
2. The Killing Joke
One of the best Joker stories out there.
3. “Heart Of Ice” – Batman: The Animated Series
Amazing heart felt story that showed us how good the Animated Series can be.
4. Tower Of Babel
Happy to hear Rodrigo had this in his top 5 also. The conversation between Batman and Superman at the end is so good.
5. Arkham Asylum
In no particular order:
1) Batman: Year 100 – I loved the post-apocalyptic future setting, and this was my first exposure to Paul Pope’s art.
2) Detective Comics #643: “The Library of Souls” – How could I not love a story where Batman solves the murder mystery by knowing the Dewey Decimal System?
3) Spawn Batman (Image Comics) – I can barely remember the story, but the snarky interplay between the two characters is great, and the final panel is one of my favorite images in all of comics. [Hey, there’s a top five idea! Have you ever done Top Five Comics Panels??]
Batman Grendel is an also-ran for me. I’m a sucker for a good crossover.
4) Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth – I love this for all the reasons that Matthew states so eloquently, but also for its innovative use of lettering, with every character having a distinct font and color scheme. I need to dig this out and read it again.
5) Batman (1989) – I hate to break out of comics completely, but the Tim Burton film came out when I was in high school, and as someone who’d never really read any comics, it was my introduction to the character and the world of Gotham. I’m sure it wouldn’t hold up after all these years, but at the time it was a revelation, and I became obsessed with The Joker in particular, even hand-making Joker-themed jewelry for myself.