Well the 4th season of Munchkin Land is in the books and it’s been an exhilarating year with some new faces and a lot more games being played. A total of 27 matches were battled out and some tears were shed in the process. This year there was a change in the way the stats were recorded, The Interleague Play record keeping was dissolved and all games played for 2015 are counted in the main Munchkin Career Totals. This means Stephen keeps the best Career Average (.455) for all Interleague Games played, well done Stephen!
Here is the breakdown of the players for the 2015 Season of Munchkin Land and the MVP of the league for 2015:
Zach – The MVP of 2014 suffered an injury during training camp and got a late start on the season. His injury keep him off pace for a repeat of the MVP title. After 6 games he was reinjured and out for the rest of the season on I.R. (Injured Reserved). Zach finished the season 0 Wins and 6 Losses with an average of .000. His Career Average is at .224 but he does still hold the Best Win Streak title at 4. We are all hopping for Zach’s recovery and his possible return in 2016.
Rodrigo – The calm and cool operator that he is playing the game had the early predictions as a sure win for the MVP this year. But with a lack luster start it looked like he was not going to go anywhere fast. So the owners did a trade with the West Coast League for a Rookie and a 1 Round draft pick. But he is now tearing it up there and is almost unstoppable. Rodrigo finished his season with 1 Win and 9 Losses with an average of .100. His Career Average .306 and Best Win Streak is at 3. I’m sure this is not the last we will see of Rodrigo.
Brian – Used as a DP (Designated Player) for 2013 and 2014, he did not have a lot of game play but did play outstanding with a .417 average for those 2 seasons. This season he was able to be part of the normal rotation (after Zach went down) and got a few more games in. Brian was a fresh breeze for the league and his game play showed it. With 6 Wins and 8 Losses; an average of .429; a Career Average of .421; and also an improved Best Win Streak of 2, I think there is no stopping him next year if Brian is a part of the starting lineup.
Mason – The rookie that was part of the trade this year was an up and comer in the Minor League and had a knack for dice games. His only game this year was against one of the toughest opponents in Munchkin Land. It was a hard fought battle but alas Mason lost his only game. So his rookie year is 0 Wins and 1 Loss with a season and career average of .000. He is going be training this off season, so keep your eye for this one; he is going to be a big part of the league soon.
Brad – After being brought up from the minor league last year for 1 game (which he won), he was sent back to the Minors for the rest of 2014. But in the off season Brad got the call all Munchkin players hope for, the call to the big league of Munchkin Land. He had a great first full year and had some epic matches. He had 8 Wins and 9 Loses with an average .478 and a Career Average of .500, which is the best Career Average in the league so far. This big hitter will be looking to add to his hall of fame career next season.
Stephen – The founder of Munchkin Land had one of the best seasons yet; with a total of 26 games play he has improved year after year. The seasoned veteran showed he still has it and is ready to take it all next year. With 8 Wins and 18 Loses; an average of .308 (which is one of his best) plus as an added bonus, Stephen bested Rob in Rock/Paper/Scissors. With a Career Average of .222 and a new Win Streak of 2 there is no stopping this Munchkin. With all the new games that will be played I’m sure Stephen will be top of the ranks next year.
Rob – Wow, after 2 years of so-so stats Rob came out of the gates this year on fire! He has always been the workhorse in the league and plays like throwing a brick through a window. With 12 Wins and 14 Loses, an average of .462, he is the 2nd best for the year. Rob’s Career Average has improved to .338. He had some outstanding wins this year and with some of the other players added to the roster, he has adapted and done an outstanding job this year.
Now with all that said I am pleased to announce this year’s Munchkin Land MVP for 2015 is ROB. Rob has had his best year yet. The amount of games played, and taking the Dice Masters Championship, Rob was by far the best choice for the MVP for 2015. Looks like Karma 2014 finely paid off!
Congratulations to Rob and to all the players in Munchkin Land this year. I’m hoping the next season is even better. Remember “It’s not cheating unless you get caught.”
NOTE FROM THE ROBOT OVERLORD: Thanks to The Great Nate O and WNathans for their work on this piece.
1 Comment
Way to go Rob! I shall cheer for you until Major Spoilers comes to an end! ♥
…YES, I do consider myself a Rob Fangirl, Stephen. :P