With the possible return of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 via Kickstarter Campaign, I’ve been reminiscing about the glory days of the show. It was very early in my college career when the HBO Comedy Channel merged with HA! to form Comedy Central, and those long-ago 90s TV schedules featured Joel and The ‘Bots regularly. A group of college chums even named their band ‘Bring Back Joel’ after Mike took center stage, and I still remember seeing episode like ‘Mitchell’ (“Hot merging action!”) and Godzilla Vs. Megalon, featuring Jet Jaguar. My eleven year-old daughter has been able to sing the Jet Jaguar song (“His mother never loved him!”) since well before she had any idea what MST3K stood for, which leads us to today’s not-too-distant query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced “raos-dao-wur”) will still occasionally exclaim “Trumpy! You can do stupid things!” and “EAAARL HOOOOLLIMAAAN!” at random intervals, proving that the show’s humor will stick with ya, asking: What’s the greatest MST3K moment, meme, running gag or joke?
MANOS! The Hands of Fate!
I don’t consider it one of the best moments, but one of the bits I quote most often comes from when they watched the movie “Werewolf” and at the end sang a medley of random songs. Whenever my friends are singing while cooking or driving or something, I often throw out a random “TUSK!”, and then we usually end up singing an equally random medley of songs.
I also sing the Gamera song a lot.
“Blast Hard Cheese!”
Dirk Hardpec!
Man, I love MST3K!
It’s hard for me to think of a favorite, but one of them is definitely:
Normal view!
Also, any time Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy) sang during the movie. To this day I can’t hear the song “Separate Ways” without thinking that I should Leave The Bronx!
Buck Plankchest!
Big McLargeHuge!