Top Five Things We Hated About High School
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
Wedgies, swirlys, nerds, jocks, homework, bullies, are just some of the things people hate(d) about high school. This week, we look back (some of us 25 years) at what we hated about high school.
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This episode was FASCINATING to me. You each describe an experience that is completely foreign to my west coast, late 90’s, midsize town upbringing. Only the tiniest pieces are relatable at all.
Great episode, engaging and you gave me a ton to think about.
Rural, farm community as well:
– Evangeline Parish, Louisiana
– K-12 in one complex of three buildings.
– Athletics were Class B: basketball, track and field, and tennis were our only sports and everyone was on two of the three available teams.
– Everyone took Vocational Agriculture (FFA) or Home Economics (FHA).
I’ll have to think about my Top Five and post later.
I’m going to jump in with my number 1: Exams! I think I felt sick or was sick before every one of them, even up to my Master’s degree. I still don’t understand why I get studying.
GREAT episode. Love hearing about people of the same general nerdy-but-achiever type and how they felt in high school. Matthew, man, I bet your daughter as cool as s**t. The discussion of the whole “Jenny” thing and people destroying her reputation was great. I might have to hang onto this and play it for my own kid in like twelve years. I’ll put it on repeat when he’s in time out.
I attended two high schools. First was a small rural farm community (we shared a ZIP Code with the town ten miles away) that served K-12. Second was a “magnet” school of juniors and seniors with more students than the entire K-12 population of the first.
There was nothing at my second school I disliked. So this list is from the first.
5) (Almost) Always picked last. (See #4)
4) Identified as “The Smart Kid” in 3rd grade, I felt pigeonholed and was not considered popular. (See #2 and #5)
3) Physical Education consisted of playing basketball or dodgeball for an hour. (See #4 and #5)
2) Huge crushes on girls that I knew would never give me the time of day. (See #4)
1) There is nothing about school that I hated at the time worthy of #1, so I have to project back for this one. Missing the quintessential 80’s culture because I was in such a rural area. My only contact to music was America’s Top 40 or the local Country station, so I wasn’t able to discover the true culture of 1978-1985 until about 1987.
I really like this podcast. Can you add it to the list of podcasts you upload to Stitcher? I’ve got an android phone so iTunes really doesn’t work for me. I love listening to the rest of your podcasts on my phone while I work.