Not too long ago, based on remarks by James Gunn about his plans for the sequel to ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’, your humber MS-QOTD wondered what comic-book Guardians you, the Faithful Spoilerites, wanted to see make their way to the screen. Given that there are a couple dozen Guardians, it’s a rough decision. Then again, depending on who is counting, there are more than ONE HUNDRED official members of the Avengers, Marvel’s other powerhouse movie franchise, which leads us to echo the previous query with a variant edition…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would love to see Tigra realized on film, but only if she’s not in her comic book costume, because who doesn’t love a cat-girl, asking: What comic-book Avenger would you most like to see joining the Avengers in future film outings?
Since Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are already confirmed, Ant-Man getting his own movie and probably joining in at some point too I have to say Black Panther. He would bring in pretty good options for writing dialogue, wouldnt be too much like anyone else already in when it comes to role in the team and interesting viewpoint for not being american.
I would have said She-Hulk if certain big, green guy wasnt already in the team, though.
I’d kinda love to see Tigra, but they’d really need to make some modifications to her actual costume (not that I have a problem with it being practically a bikini, it just doesn’t seem as believable for a film). I would also like to see Namor, though maybe it would be cooler to see him kick the Avengers collective backsides before turning around and helping them.
Hazmat from Avengers Academy. In addition to being an awesome character in general, Hazmat could help push the idea that superpowers aren’t always a blessing which is a theme touched on commonly in comics but the movies have only shown in relation to the Hulk. On that note, her presence could be a great boon for advancing Dr. Banner’s character.
Spider-Man and Wolver— I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
If they do Ms./Captain Marvel she should hang out in space with the Guardians and other cosmic dudes and duddettes. Carol Danvers punching Thanos in his multi-chin must happen.
Black Panther is already taken..
Falcon, Doctor Strange, Vision, Warmachine/Iron Patriot, Wasp and (Gi)Ant-Man are somewhat obvious choices since they have already been introduced into the movie-U or will be soon… hmm.
I can already see Marvel Studios having a quick comedic Moon Knight cameo just so they can do a gravely Bat-Nolan voice parody thing. Daredevil will be a 70s character in the Netflix part of the movie-U so obviously the current Movie-U needs a dark avenger of the KNIGHT! Who is dressed in all white and talks to himself..
They can’t do Deadpool, Wolverine or Punisher and Matt Murdock has been relegated to another time period. Moon Knight for the Avenger’s maladjusted, angry street level super-murderer. He could be their schizophrenic Jayne Cobb. Hilariously underpowered compared to the rest of them as well.
Daredevil (and the rest of the netflix series) are taking place in modern day and not the 70s. It’s confirmed in Marvel’s own synopsis of the show.
Well that is too bad, really. Today, they don’t refer to it as Hell’s Kitchen, instead they use Clinton and Midtown West, which has become quite gentrified.
Manhattan in General is not the Manhattan of the 70’s or even the Dinkins administration. Since Giuliani, NYC has been cleaned up considerably. There are still rough patches, but by and large, Harlem is ok for a most guys to walk through and Times Square is family friendly rather than Hooker/Peep Show central that it was in Taxi Driver.
I have been bamboozled!!!
She-Hulk I think would be a nice bridge character as some contracts end.
I think that Mr. I from the Great Lakes Avengers would really bring something different and fun to the mix. Actually, having some kind of second-run group inspired by the “real” Avengers could be a fun sub-plot all its own.
-Dan’L, supposes Emma Peel is out of the question? (She has been in comic books, after all….)
I’m still holding out for a stand alone squirrel girl movie until then I guess a guest spot in the Avengers would do.
At the very least, I’d be thrilled if they gave her her own short (like Coulson’s “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer” or whatever it was called) or a mini web series or something that still ties into the MCU.
Can’t wait for Spider-man to join the avengers in 20… oh wait!
Well since the spider-family and x-men are mostly excluded, I would like to see a Black Panther become a part of the Avengers. Having Nova join would add a connection between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers, but that is also a bit out of nowhere so the fit will be somewhat off. Still either one would be neat for me to see.
I always enjoyed the new avengers line up so Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, and Ms. /Captain Marvel.
Black Knight & Captain Britain!
Monica Rambeau/Captain Marvel, because I will always carry a torch for this character. And I’ve always had a soft spot for Sersi
Like Zombi, I too would like Monica Rambeau as Captain Marvel. In my opinion, she should still be the Captain in the comics. Secondly, I would like to see the original Captain Marvel join.
My final recruits for the movies would be Ant-Man (After his movie of course) and The Wasp.
Beast, in his happy go lucky mode, assuming he isn’t restricted by xmen status
Go back to start, people. Got to be the Wasp and Giant-Man (since the public will connect Ant-Man with Scott Lang when/if that movie appears); Jan and Hank deserve the respect of the movie-makers.