Recently, during a heated Playstation 3 wrestling match, my daughter opined that it was “stupid confusing” that I had two separate wrestlers nicknamed ‘The King’. I attempted to explain to her that there were only a limited number of call-signs available in the game, and that King Cobra and The Lizard King were two vastly different personalities when she dropped the real bombshell: The REAL King is the race-car voiced by Richard Petty from ‘Cars’. She then changed her mind to say that Michael Jackson, The Late King Of Pop, was the real king, then waffled again to address King Arthur from ‘Merlin’, before telling me excitedly that I had tomorrow’s MS-QOTD. Thus, by Imperial Widget decree, I give you today’s regal query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) doesn’t want you to let my Twitter handle (@MightyKingCobra) affect your thinking or anything, but I’m kind of a big deal, asking: Who, to your mind, is The REAL King™?
I asked my family and both of my daughters answered the same, “The Lion King.”
Bruce Campbell. Not his characters, the actor himself.
I would say Muhammad Ali!
Elvis Presley without a doubt.
King Arthur, Aquaman, ruler of the 7 seas.
The mighty Kong, 8th wonder of the world!
Have to go with Godzilla, King of the Monsters.
Jack Kirby. ‘Nuff said.
Larry King. It’s the suspenders, man.