There are a lot of cool toys out there in the various worlds of fiction. Who wouldn’t want to take a few potshots at a mynock with a Wookiee bowcaster, or perhaps get behind the joystick of a colonial Viper? For that matter, I might enjoy the use of a Tron light-cycle, avoiding all the problems of parking and storage of my enormous Chrysler. Widget suggested that she would want to have a floating chair from ‘WALL•E’ (proving that kids sometimes miss the point of movies), while my wife wanted access to a Star Trek transporter pad, all of which leads to today’s query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) had a hard time deciding between a lightsaber and V.I.N.Cent from ‘The Black Hole,’ so decided to split the difference and get the robot from Lost In Space, asking: What one science-fiction accessory or weapon would you most like to have?
Does Enterprise counts as one accessory(?) or if not probably a green lantern ring would do the same trick for me – which would be (universal) travel
I gotta go with a Replicator. a tool that can, in essence, give me any amount of any good, be it mineral (Gold?) or limited biological (Foods) in almost any forms I could desire, by altering a base substance on a subatomic level and converting to what I desire. I can turn a pile of dirt i have in my backyard into diamonds and Kit-Kat Bars… Into Crystal and Glenfiddich… Hoe can this ever be bad?
Definitely a Green Lantern Ring, although I’d probably never get it to work and would end up leaving it in the hall closet.
I was tempted to say any Ranger Key since they can technically be utilized without a Mobirate, but then I wouldn’t get to do a flashy move with a transformation device. So instead I’ll go with pretty much any of the Dekarangers SP License. I would specify a specific device like the Fire Squad License or the Master License, but I’d honestly be quite happy with any of them since they would provide power and armor I can use to help people.
Otherwise, almost any Lantern ring other than Black would be my secondary choice. I’d even be happy with one of those low-power rings John gave the Mosaic kids that was pretty much used for force fields and flight.
Lightsaber is the first thing that springs to mind the 2nd thing is the Iron man suit what ever the latest Mk is
Going to have to go with a Lightsaber. Unless I can have the Force and it teach me the necessary knowledge to making a lightsaber (since it will help me use it effectively) then I go with the Force
Sonic screwdriver, since it seems capable of doing anything….. or a transmogrifier.
A ring of wishes… then I could wish for several cool toys… cheating? I can’t make up my mind between a TARDIS, Phaser (almost as multipurpose as a sonic screwdriver yet more violent), or a replicator (IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: the kind from Trek, not Stargate!)
Sonic screwdriver would b nice but I’d have to gp with the infinite improbability drive. It is just too much fun.
I always wanted one of the Eagles from Space 1999.
A HOVERBOARD might be fun. Sadly it doesn’t work on water. :)
Still, I’d love to take that thing apart or make other stuff out of it. Like if I could build Jabba’s floating palace on it. Or maybe just freak people out on halloween by wearing a sheet then stand on it and float like a ghost. (i probably won’t be able to stay on it long though, I have terrible balance.)
Nah, it’ll work on water if you get a Pitbull or similarly powered hoverboard. Maybe there is a hover equivalent of a Segway scooter?
Deflector shields for my pickup truck, so when idiot drivers pull out in front of me without looking or signalling I can raise shields, hit the gas, and shout “Ramming Speed” at the top of my lungs…. er… but now that my meds have kicked in, I’d like the robot from Lost in Space. Not only is it strong, a mobile computer, and just plain cool looking, it can cook and do laundry, too.
A ship (Star Wars universe) and an astromech.