One of the great moments of the Marvel movies is waiting for Stan Lee to make his appearance on screen. He has taken the form of many different characters throughout the films and is filling another one in Amazing Spier-Man 2. Stan just filmed his cameo for the sequel on Sunday and thankfully a few pictures were taken.
Knowing Stan Lee will once again be in a Spider-Man movie makes me feel happy on the inside. How he is able to do all that he does at his age is remarkable. Maybe even super-human.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2, 2014.
I think there’s a typo in the title.
Fixed! Thanks.
It’s funny to hear how he cancelled his appearance at Denver Comic Con to film this cameo for more money. I’m not sure if this is a dis to his fans for the money or just smart business.
I was bummed that he pulled out of Comic Con but I don’t think that’s a fair assessment. The film could have had a very strict and inflexible production schedule for the sets and scenes they wanted Stan for and it would be very disappointing to break the tradition of his cameo appearances.
Well, given how every comic venture he’s launched since leaving Marvel has been a dud, I suspect he needs the money. Seriously, though, I look forward to his cameos. It wouldn’t be a Marvel movie without his cameo. It’s a tradition of long standing – Alfred Hitchcock also used to make cameos in his movies, and Peter Jackson, too, of course. I’ve heard that Peter Graves made a cameo in the first Mission Impossible Cruizefest, but I’ve yet to spot him in that movie.