It occurred to me while doing my holiday shopping yesterday that we are living in a magical world of the future… The fact that said shopping was entirely done with my smart phone (the same device from which I’m posting right this instant, in point of fact) was pretty breathtaking, especially given the manual rotary dial-up phones that I grew up with just a couple decades back. Of course, for all the advanced technological resources of the 21st century, Avery Brooks and I still don’t have our flying cars, there aren’t yet lifelike androids walking among us, and I cannot yet beam myself to work.
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ into the future, asking:
What pop culture tech do you most wish would hurry up and be real, already?
I’ve got to go with transporters. I think I have to choose that because I’m currently living around two hours from my girlfriend and the ability to just beam over there would be great.
Also, I totally saw Matthew crying during Clint’s song!
HOVER BOARDS! Come on science get it together.
Hoverboards and flying cars most definatly
I would love transporters, but having a real working Flight Ring would be AWESOME!
The replicators from Star Trek, I want to make food at a moments notice. I don’t need any fancy transportation if I have that.
Replicators from StarTrek, yes please. Replicators from Stargate, not so much.
Teleporters, hey it would make it so that all that time spent driving could be time spent exercising! Or reading comic books! Yeah probably the latter…
Replicators. Funny thing is with 3D printers and lab grown meat we aren’t too far away from it. It just needs to get cheaper.
The holodeck from Star Trek. Who needs video games when you can literally program any scenario you want and have it come to life.
I’ll be the one to say it…
I REALLY wish I had a sonic screwdriver. I could hack any computer, pick locks, fix things inexplicably and generally ‘scan’ things. Come on! Invent one already!
I’m quite happy with my “working” Sonic Screwdriver. Granted, by “working” I mean it has screwdriver heads on one end of it, but it is still pretty nifty.
I honestly think that if they ever make something that can do even half of what a Sonic Screwdriver does, someone or some company will be making one in the same style of the one from the series.
Either the holodeck or lifelike humanoid replica pleasurebots because I’m a total perv and admit it.
However, I wouldn’t mind some of the Super Sentai or Kamen Rider tech. Forget the giant robots and the monsters they fight, but the “armor” suits and the abilities they give would be amazing in the right hands. Imagine firefighters or police officers with that kind of tech and how many more lives they would be able to save.
Although flight and teleportation are my favorite super powers, I would want the holodeck as well. I can only imagine how much fun D&D games would be.
Of course, unlike that pervy Alisha, I would never do anything like hold a weekend “party” with a half-dozen cute celebrities who just happen to now find me very charming. *wink-wink*
Psycho Fraculator
Heinlein’s rolling roads (it would alleviate traffic entirely)
Moon colonies (implying consistent and reliable shuttles to the moon)
Space Elevator as envisioned by Sir Arthur Clark.
Immersive 3D (that doesn’t give me a headache). The 3D TV’s and movie theaters that we have now are not conceptually different from what we had in the 1950’s. You would think by now, we would have the ability to generate a genuinely 3D image, that you could view from multiple angles, either to play movies, or to use in video games.
I don’t need a holo-deck (yet) but a media player that has the 3D effect of even the Star Wars comm’s should have happened by now.