February is a pretty cold month, and is usually the month where Western Kansas sees its greatest snow fall, but nothing is preparing DC Comic fans for the avalanche of variant covers the company plans to release for Justice League of America #1.
The company has announced 52 variant covers for the upcoming Justice League of America series, which has left many fans feeling cold, as some on the Intardwebz are calling this nothing more than a money grab for DC Comics. Money grabs are one thing, bringing back the ’90s in full force is another. The hook for these variants? 52 different flags, one for each of the U.S. states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.
Good or bad, it looks like it is happening, along with stand alone Vibe and Katana series that are arriving in February, too.
:) GO VIBE!!! :)
i just cant buy Catwoman as a member of a team.
Apararently she can’t either
I’m interested in buying this, however I don’t like the new GL and don’t want to buy anything with him in it.
And apparently a Japanese flag….
Also, please fire Jim Lee so we can start over without the 90s