Statue company Kotobukiya has been rolling out a new statue the last few months representing a character from DC’s New 52. Kotobukiya has already announced Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Superman, and the Flash and now they have added a hero who has found more respect since the relaunch, Aquaman. Check out the pictures after the jump.
Arthur Curry stands at nearly 8 inches tall here and is depicted in his traditional garb. Much like the previous statues Aquaman was sculpted by Goutaro Takeuchi and is completed with magnets in bottom of his feet to ensure his stability while on his included base.
Overall I think it is a well done statue, but I think they have gone a little too young on his face. If the company wasn’t explicably stating that this is for the New 52 maybe it wouldn’t be as big of a deal. Besides that though he looks great. The detailed scales covering his torso look fantastic.
Aquaman is not available for pre-order as of yet but when it is you should expect a price tag of $39.99, much like the previous releases. The statue is slated to arrive April 2013.
Why is there a statue of Jane Lynch?
The guy from Gen 13?