Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games.
In this Munchkin Minute: The players talk up Munchkin Bookmarks, and wonder what cards would make the perfect booster pack to send Munchkin to Middle Earth?
[podcast][/podcast]The material presented here is Major Spoilers’ original creation, intended for use with the Munchkin system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
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“ring taint”
Where’s Matthew when you need him?
1) The White: Play this card when you are killed. You resurrect immediately and go up a level.
2) You Shall Not Pass should modified to be: Use when a player would level up. They don’t level up.
Hey folks.
I liked Rodrigo’s suggestion of the rules mentioning a Tom Bombadil card, and then it not appearing in the set. But just in case that was too meta for Seve Jackson games, I thought I would suggest:
Tom, Bob and Dill: creature, high level but lots of minus vs rangers, dwarves, wizards, rangers, etc. Flavour text: Not nearly as impressive as their namesake.
Bob Tomadill: one shot card that ends the combat, gets rid of any cards played, and makes it the card player’s turn. Vastly overpowered and playing it makes everyone else hate you. :)
Curse/sidekick: Tom, just Tom. You play this card as a curse, and the cursed one *has* to take the card as a hireling/sidekick/etc In combat, roll a die: 1-2, regular +2 bonus. 3-5, not usable (someone has written him out). 6+, Tom kills all enemies, leaving no treasure or levels for you.
Curse: Tom Tomadill: Gets the player lost. Player discards hand and all cards in play, starts turn over again.
The “Tom, Bob, and Dill” card is awesome. Sounds like a card Steve Jackson Games would actually create.
There and Back Again – Go up One Level