What really happened to the Ponds after the Angels Take Manhattan? Yes, we know they died eventually, but there were so many other things left unsaid… and left unshot. The BBC has released the storyboards of an unshot scene where Rory’s dad, Brian, learns of their fate.
Since it wasn’t shot, but this bit was released by the BBC, does it make this canon?
Dang! I’m so glad that you shared this with us. It does alleviate some of the sadness of the ending we did get.
Though, to be honest, it doesn’t get rid of some of the annoyance I had, either, with what I saw as potential plotholes. Primarily of which if they were stuck in New York in the 1930s, why not just move to Nebraska, even wait a year, and then send a postcard to the Doctor to come pick them up.
Wibbly wobbly can’t interfere in events that’ve already happened or somesuch nonsense.
Its not over people, there’s gonna be a little more with them later.
Think about it, who else was in New York in the past. River as a child. How is she going to get England to become Mel? Or even know that Amy and Rory are her parents? Obviously the Ponds find little Melody while trapped there, raise her, and send her on her way.
I got something in my eye. Excuse me.
“Since it wasn’t shot, but this bit was released by the BBC, does it make this canon?”
There is some ambiguity to what is and isn’t canon. RTD considers the filmed but not aired scene where the Doctor and the Doctor-Donna give a bit of TARDIS coral to the Meta-Crisis Doctor to be canon, or at least he said that in an interview somewhere. For the most part, though, it is usually only what you see on the actual series that counts (and apparently a select few books), but certain bits from “extra sources” end up getting absorbed, much in the same way the occasional Expanded Universe bit gets absorbed in to Star Wars canon. I can see this as one of those bits absorbed in to official canon.
“Everything you want to be canon will always be canon.” – Me.
The Doctor Who is one of those shows where it’s impossible to have canon. Things in the newest series always seem to ignore or contradict things from the earlier series. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. You might as well ask if the new Star Trek movie is canon, and thus is the TOS and everything that follows no longer canon? Or are they two separate Star Trek universes each with their own canon? I think each different Doctor exists in its own separate canonical universe.
Alternate timelines are a canon subject in Trek, though, so the new movie timeline and TOS can both exist and still be canon. The way I see it is that they just decided to set the current set of stories in another timeline, but the original timeline is still ticking away somewhere without Spock and ready to be picked up again at some later date.
Wasn’t sad just bitter and angry.