In this issue: The Doctor shows up out of nowhere, and we ponder the age old question, “Where does pop culture end, and who should you allow at a comic con?”
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gis: “Jim Meskimen as Professor Knestor Jackdaws”
I’ve listened to 16:51 to 16:53 so many times. “Let’s just fail here.” Followed by cute fail sound.
I love these weekend discussions. Although I’ve never been to a comic-con, I would like to pose a side question. What if the bigger conventions that seem to promote pop culture more than comics were given a different name than comic-con? I don’t know much about branding, so it might be difficult to call them something different. But could that help comic fans feel less upset when comics aren’t the main hype of certain conventions?
Before I went to do a house showing, I looked up the realtor on his website by googling his name. The “About Us” web page had a picture of the guy but it made it seem like he was living in California, so I figured I was emailing with one of his employees. When I got there, it was the realtor himself. So i said “Hey your website made it seem like you were living in California- do you split your time between here and there?” But he had NO IDEA what i was talking about. He claimed he didn’t have a website and never lived in California. My roommate and I checked the website again later and I swear the guy looks exactly the same. Same name, same profession, the company even has the same name and the two guys LOOK IDENTICAL. I was tripping out. Part of me thinks he’s just playing games with us.
Having been to several Cons I agree that they are more interesting with multiple facets of pop culture being represented as it gives you more to look at and more fun stuff to do while you are there. I also agree that as a business decision it will not change because it attracts more people and thus make more money. However, a line must be drawn at some point about what is and is not allowed into Comic Con otherwise you risk the event losing its identity. After watching Morgan Spurlocks doc on Comic Con I can sympathize with comic book retailers being upset at being treated like second class citizens at the event that they helped build in favor of the new pop culture flavor of the week. While being inclusive with all groups is an admirable goal (you hippies) people like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton have no place at Comic Con because they do not relate to the fan base that attends that event even if they are in pop culture. Saying people like that should be at a Con because they are a part of pop culture just like Star Wars or Star Trek is like saying that it wouldn’t be strange if an Italian restaurant also sold burritos for some reason because, hey they are both food. Yet speaking as in Italian I would not that is just plain old wrong.