Two images from the upcoming sequel to J. J. Abram’s Star Trek have appeared online. Both show a few action moments, including one featuring bad guys Benedict Cumberbatch.
Both images are from the same scene (not the “brick” wall near the right side of each image. If these are in order, it looks like Zoe Saldana (Uhura) is attempting to save Zachary Quinto’s (Spock) life. Or maybe they are reversed and Uhura dies leading to Spock showing some emotion in the other image.
Also interesting that Cumberbatch doesn’t have a bare chest or pointy ears.
the first one accomplished the impossible. It got me into star trek. They’d have to seriously screw this up for me to not like it.
While I’ve been a Star Trek fan most of my life, I rather liked how the first movie was portrayed in a different manner than most Trek movies/series, like it was more of an action/adventure movie that just happened to be in Star Trek’s setting.
I’m looking forward to seeing more of this alternate timeline (I refuse to really consider it a reboot when Trek has a history of stories where alternate timelines do exist alongside the “original” timeline).
Have there been any sort of whispers as to what the plot of this is going to be?