This week on the show: Matthew gets a gift! The crew reviews one of Matthew’s favorite titles (Milk and Cheese)! We announce a Matthew-based contest! Plus – Stephen is a wedge of spite, Rodrigo is a carton of Hate!
[podcast][/podcast]Show Notes after the Jump!
Shamus out at Wizard World
We’re giving away a DC Universe Legion of Super-Heroes 12-Pack of Action Figures. You gotta work for this one as you do your best Matthew – Listen to the show for complete details! The contest is open to anyone in the world, but you gotta call the Major Spoilers Hotline to enter! Contest ends December 31, 2011.
Written by Michael Alan Nelson
Drawn by Matteo Scalera
SC, 32pgs, FC, SRP: $1.00
COVER A: Liam Sharp
COVER B: Cary Nord
COVER C: Ale Garza
Diamond Code: OCT110899
SPECIAL $1 FULL FIRST ISSUE! The King is dead — long live the DEAD KING! King Valen Brand is a fair, just king as well as a great and mighty warrior. Killed by a Necromancer in battle and resurrected as one of the walking dead. Now he’s considered an abomination in his own realm,an outcast with only one purpose: to restore his lost soul! From the mind of fan-favorite creator Michael Alan Nelson (28 DAYS LATER, HEXED, DINGO, ROBERT E. HOWARD’S HAWKS OF OUTREMER) comes OUTCAST, a visceral new ongoing series that blends “epic fantasy” with “sword-and-sorcery.” Perfect for fans of A Game of Thrones and Conan.
009-1 Anime
The story concerns Miléne Hoffman a female cyborg who works as a secret agent. The Japanese title of the manga was 009-1, or “Zero Zero Ku-no-ichi”, a pun on kunoichi (female ninja) and a reference to the main character’s espionage occupation.
Thunder Agents #1
One of the most critically acclaimed series of the past year returns with a new #1 issue that serves as a great jumping-on point for new readers!
What kind of people willingly become Super Heroes, knowing that their powers will eventually kill them? That’s the question this new 6-part miniseries will explore as the team must face off against the Warlord and his Subterraneans! Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Ultimate X-Men) teams with rising star Wes Craig for a twisted= tale of super heroics, espionage, and action!
Major Spoilers Poll of the Week: What is the most important edition
There are some who buy comics for the story. Others pick up the issue for the art. Still some buy only because of the company releasing the book. What category do you fall into?
Milk and Cheese: Dairy Products Gone Bad
A carton of hate. A wedge of spite. A comic book of idiotic genius. The Eisner Award-winning dairy duo returns in this deluxe hardcover collecting every single stupid Milk and Cheese comic ever made from 1989 to 2010, along with a sh*t-ton of supplemental awesomeness. This has everything you need! Don’t judge it–love it! Or else!
Contact us at
Call the Major Spoilers Hotline at (785) 727-1939.
A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
For the contest, can we enter multiple times?
Dear Jeebus! Why would you pretend you are Matthew more than once!? No. You can only enter once.
I pretend to be Matthew all the time! Haha, alright, only once it is!
What is the ticking noise going on behind Matthew, I hear it most during his review.
Matthew has a really bad habit of playing MineSweeper all the time. If you listen to past episodes (all that he appears in) you’ll hear him doing the same thing. Minesweeper is a recreational pastime, but with Matthew it appears to be a way of life. If you, or someone you know has a chronic MineSweeper addiction, please get help right away.
I remember reading at one point JK Rowling has the same problem. Delayed the Harry Potter books for months while she tried to beat her best time. In fact that is the real reason she hasn’t published any books since just can’t drag herself away from the minesweeper.
Milk and Cheese is certainly meant to be ingested in small doses. I love M&C as well as Dorkin’s stuff from DORK, like Murder Family. I can’t imagine reading 240 pages in one or even two or three sittings, though. I recently picked up the Too Much Coffee Man Omnibus which cracks the 550 page mark, and it is similar to M&C that it is very short intense stories. Maybe it had something to do with the 90s…
Cool episode, you know what’s sad? I think Matthew’s “butchering” of my name may be the best pronunciation I have ever heard from an Anglophone, including my coworkers of 3 years…
Also, “Trials and Tribble-ations”, that is all ;-)
When did you guys rewiev Battlechasers? This was on my top five of things that should never have been canseld.
My favourite moment from the podcast was when Stephen was stumped about what to do with the third set of figurines. Matthew has one, he has one… but what to with the third one? Gee, that’s a predicament. it’s not like there’s a third member of the MSP team or anything. Does Rodrigo get one? Naw, let’s give it away! We’ll just give Rodrigo a nice tie… or maybe some socks.
(Note: my brain totally realized it was a set up for the contest, but the rest of me was still amused.)
Rodrigo said he didn’t want/need the set, so there :P
So he’s not getting a nice tie? or even socks? Poor Rodrigo.