When the first picture of Henry Cavill as Superman hit the ‘net it wasn’t clear if he would be sporting his red underwear on the outside or if the suit would conform to the new look whipped up by Jim Lee for the DC Relaunch next week. New set photos reveal the answer.
To be honest, it really doesn’t bother me that he’s not wearing red trunks. I think this costume design works, even if there is a big blue area that needs something to break up the design a bit.
I reckon that they’ll put in the red trunks with CGI, you know to make it look realistic.
The guy on the left kinda looks like Dr Doom a bit, without the helmet.
On the left! Isn’t that Superman?
Your other left.
Is that Zod?
They should make the belt more pronounced to help break up the blue. The suit looks very rubber-y/plastic-y. Hopefully they clean that up in the editing process.
That’s what people said about Ironman, Spiderman, Thor, Green Lantern and ……
You put the “MOVIES” banner right over his trunks-region so I’d have to click and follow the link for the full story, didn’t you. I’m on to you, Schleicher… :)
If it works…
They’re getting a little Joel Shumockery with the cod piece, there. You can’t make out his face but you can tell he dresses to the right.
I find it hilarious that for years people have been making fun of Supes for wearing his underwear on the outside and now that he’s ditched the trunks, it looks like he forgot to put on his pants.
It is probably because I am not use to it, but I find his lack of trunks desturbing.
Yes, my first thought was that he kinda looks naked.
I have been a big proponent of loosing the trunks for live action movies. However, there does need to be a more prominent belt to break up the blue.
The the bad guys in the movie are Zod (on the right) and some combo of Metamorpho and Dr. Light (on the left).
Actually, the “costume” on the left is just a cgi marker setup, so the actor can be replaced by cgi goodness.
Does he have shiny cuffs?
You know, those plus a groovy sash belt and short cape would look AWESOME!
Truer words were never spoken…!
… and hey, is that the ghost of Michael Landon walking away in the top shot?!?!?
Maybe this isn’t a shot from a movie, but a picture from some alternate timeline? Dun-dun-DUNN!!
Looks like “Stuperman” from Not Brand ECHH! or Mad magazine! How long will we let them mess with our ICONS without protest?
Superman and Batman did pretty good for a VERY long time without a radical change in uniform.
(Batman actually got better… at times.)
Green Lantern my A$$…
Like some people have mentioned before… the red underwear broke up all that BIG BLUE!
Is this a clone, robot, or wannabe?
And if the movie has “Zod” in it… I will not watch it. It’s been done!
Doomsday would be nice.
Lex can be there… but, I would love to see Superman do what he does best… FIGHT!
I mean Darkseid, Doomsday, not Soloman Grundy FIGHT!
Actually, he looks like Ultraman. That’s why the red belt works with the “new” costume. We’ll see what happens when they finish but that’s pretty blah.
Is the guy in the blue and white baseball shirt the ghost of Michael Landon?
Grateful they got the palette right after the neon-blue-and-brown mess that was Brandon Routh’s costume, but HATE the lack of red trunks. I’ll say it again: super heroes are inherently unrealistic and unconventional and the trunks are no more or less ridiculous than the cape, boots, belt, etc., etc.
For god’s sake, with all the working out this guy has been doing put him in some spandex and call it good. It worked for Christopher Reeve!
just wanted to mention, the motion capture guy on our left means something CGI will be in the film, and I believe the stick coming out of his head is to give the actors (superman) a point of reference to be looking at, ie, the head of whatever is CG here will be way up there, so its a big beastie.
Probably the giant spider in the third act.
Do you know how Blu-Ray would revolutionize movies? If you could choose which version of costume Superman wears in the movie. That would rock.
And not my Aunt Myrtle’s input on a pop-up window. I mean, seriously, at what point do I want commentary from other people in the room? I typically am asking them to shut up when a movie is on…
Spot on.
it’s a superman movie being made,
it means for another ten years at least, all the comics we know and love are still going to be made.
stop hating until you’ve paid for your ticket and bought your overpriced popcorn.
After that, go for your life!
Bring back the red trunks.
His suit looks… dirty. Like how the drunk/evil superman looked in Superman III.
There’s not doubt in my mind and from the pics that Warner Bros is going with the Reboot Superman look for his film version in Man Of Steel.I mean think about it for a moment.Warner Bros plans on releasing the film in the same year that the other family of the creators Superman plans on getting the final piece of the copyrights of the character which legally that have every right to claim.
Warner Bros doesn’t like it because they feel the Shuster copyright attorney is trying to screw their deal with the family and for them this is a huge insult.They are up in arms and pissed at the idea of losing the rights to create future Superman films.It’s funny how fast they got all heated up after realizing that their time is running out over owning certain rights to the character when it took them 4 years after the 2006 Superman movie and a threat of a possible lawsuit from the Heirs of Superman for Warner Bros to get the ball rolling on a new Superman movie.It not for a threat of a lawsuit there would not be a new Superman film in production at all today.
So we all can thank the Family of the creators of Superman for lighting a fire under the butts of the execs in the Warner Bros Studios for this Man Of Steel movie.Though it’s a bit ironic that Warner Bros decided to release the film the same year Dc Comics will lose the other half of the Superman copyright.They even killed Lois Lane in Project Superman issue 3.