Back in the 1985, the Coca-Cola company made the decision to change its secret formula and unleash New Coke upon the world. That decision backfired, but fortunately, the company was prepared with Coke Classic, which has continued as the company’s most popular drink.
This week, we want to know are you a New Coke, or Coke Classic fan?
- Coke Classic
- New Coke
- Hey, You can’t fool us, we know you’re making a reference to DC’s Relaunch news!
Okay, you got us…
[poll id=”187″]
It has been 25 years since Crisis on Infinite Earths. There’ve been some minor shakeups in that interim, but DC hasn’t done a complete universal makeover since then–as much as I’ve loved what DC’s been up to lately, I can completely respect their decision to relaunch the universe. It’s had 25 years to build up baggage, and comic sales really aren’t doing that well right now. Why not shake things up? As long as they continue to tell engaging stories, I’ll keep reading them.
I only really started reading comic books about two years ago, but in that span I’ve read most of the major DC events from CoIE to present day, and immersed myself in the lore. Am I disappointed that some of if not most of that lore is going to be invalidated? No, not at all. I loved getting to learn it, and I’m going to enjoy learning the new legends of the DCU (or DCnU, as weird as that is to type). I’ve learned about 5 or so Green Lanterns of Earth, 4+ Flashes, a couple Green Arrows, and Max Lord knows how many iterations of the Justice League. This is just another set of characters to learn, and with the creative teams DC has announced I look forward to reading most of them!
Also, if the internet had been as prevalent back in 1986 as it is now, the reactions to Crisis on Infinite Earths would’ve been just as vehement as those to the Relaunch if not more so.
So far, I like what I see. Except for one thing: Superman without the red briefs. What’s Superman without his tighty red-ies?
They All Suck.Period.
I know I will hate some. I know I will love some. I know I will start reading some things I have never read before. Look at it this way. If they made 52 new books that were all things that I loved, then that would mean that there are a lot of folk out there that would hate every single book.
I’ve been reading for a long time and still my 100% favorite thing about comics is to discover something new that is super cool and fun. So new is good.
I hate change, hate it with an all consuming rage! But this isn’t change it’s more of the same, with 90’s art it seems, that on the other hand I dislike. I’ll still get a few of them, Gail Simone can sell sand in the desert, Deadshot is the man and BoP I have to read if only to diss it.
This reboot, because no matter how many say it’s just a renumbering, it’s a reboot. Doesn’t make me really want to go out read these comics. But I do have like a dozen issues that I will pick up. The rest are just bad, real bad. I do judge a book by it’s cover. And these covers are god awful.
I come to this reboot (let’s not pretend it’s not anymore) with mixed feelings. I am excited for the fresh start, hoping to get in on some titles I’ve always been interested in, but couldn’t bother doing the research for 20+ years of history. But there are some changes to characters I AM familiar with, and that freaks me out. However, I think DC is overall doing a good thing, so I’m taking the stuff I don’t like *coughcoughOraclegoneandnoSecretSixcough* with the stuff I do So, I’ll pick and choose, but overall, I like what is happening.
I can’t believe it! There are people who still read Marvel? ;p
Overall, I think this is a good thing. I also like that Jim brought over some of the Wildstorm characters. Yeah; some of the
rebootsrelaunches seem like blatant rip-offs (Captain Atom), some of my fave character went down the temporal drain, and some characters got hit with the beam that turns vampires shinny. However, as long as they commit to the changes, I believe we’re good. Don’t have a lot of cash for the comic budget, but Wonder Woman, Firestorm, Teen Titans, Hawkman and Kyle Rayner’s group have piqued my interest and I might be buying.where’s the: don’t care either way, i’m not buying DC or Marvel anyway.
I am a big MArvel guy but will take this opportunity to jump heavily into DC. I’m thinking of really buyng all 52 of those.
(Maybe not I.Vampire)
I’m a very casual comic reader. My comic book nerd years are far behind me at the old age of 32. I have very little time to read. So I prefer to go for non-superhero books to avoid to have to know 60 years of back story. So for a guy like me, the relaunch make sense, at least on a commercial point of view. So I’ll pick and choose, but overall, I like what is happening.
I’ll try to come to say hello on your live show. Will you use the Skypy?
I am relatively new to comic books, so this works out really well for me. I have been trying to read the last few editions of Action Comics (since the Joker/Lex Luthor edition you reviewed) and it is very difficult as there is a lot of back story I am not familiar with. This relaunch gives me a chance for a fresh start.
Tell you what, I have not ever bought a comic book, but this revamp has me contemplating picking up something. So, yes, I am interested in what DC is doing and I think it is at least a step in the right direction
i am hoping DCB Services has a special where one can order all 52 for $52. Otherwise I will be picking the Green Lantern and the war books.
I am very sad that there will be no more JSA. Alan and Jay represented the Golden Age to me, when heroes were good, and clean.
I am afraid this will turn out like Heroes Reborn.
I never read much DC and I look to this as a good jumping on point. Though I hate both Batman & Superman unless it is on a team, so still won’t be picking those up.
Baaaa! Baaaaaa! Baaaaaa! I just love comics. So we’ll see how long it lasts.
I kind of agree with this guy: “”.
i was a Dc fan since i was a young kid till now, but now i am moving to Marvel.
Over all, I’m not really sure how to feel. With the thought that Supergirl has suddenly become just like my least favorite DC character *coughPowergirlcough* and the apparent vanishing of both Beastboy and Raven, I’m not sure what to do. I know that I will be buying at least four of the titles, not very many but they should be glad that I plan to buy any at all. I don’t care for the new look of the Justice League, the hundreds of Bat titles (though glad to see another new Batman), or anything to do with the Justice League Dark. It sounds like a Marvel title for crying out loud! Worry keeps from being too happy about it. Then again this might be what we need. Who knows.
All I know is I’m going to miss the DCU (at least Supergirl, the Legion of Superheroes, and a Green Lantern Corps) as I knew it.
And it is a reboot. A total change. I don’t care what they say.