Deadline is reporting that Paramount Pictures has nabbed the rights to The Mighty, a series from DC Comics written by Keith Champagne and Peter Tomasi , with art by Peter Snejberg.
The Mighty tells the story of Alpha-One, the world’s most powerful super-being, who has always been a force for good, but Gabriel Cole, a cop who’s life was saved by Alpha One as a child, has uncovered his hero’s dark plan that will put them on a collision course of an ordinary man versus a super-man. Tomasi and Champagne current write the DC Comics for Batman And Robin, Green Lantern Corps, and Brightest Day. Tomasi has also written the creator owned comic The Light Brigade, while Champagne is the author of the creator owned comic Armor-X.
It’s a bit odd that Warner Bros. isn’t moving ahead with this project, after all, the company owns DC Comics, and has been pushing for comic book based movies for a while now. But maybe that is the reason why this property is going to Paramount – The Mighty doesn’t portray the superhero in a very good light, and considering he’s a Superman analogue it might be a good idea to simply make money on the back end instead of directly through the nose of the movie goers.