Isaiah Mustafa has made it perfectly clear via a number of different outlets that he wants to be Luke Cage, Power Man, in an upcoming Marvel movie. Over the weekend, the following video surfaced featuring Mustafa.
Sweet Christmas! This is a nice video, but I wonder if people will be able to see past the Old Spice schtick and give Mustafa a chance to show what he can do?
Okay….that was efn awesome! More please. LOL
Looks believable!
He looks like the Ultimate version, but I’d rather see the classic version – that calls for somebody like Rampage Jackson or Michael Jai White (he’s not too busy, is he?)
Needs more yellow shirt and tiara.
Yeah, Sweet Christmas!
Id watch a video of paint drying if that dude was in it. Hes awesome.
For being something whipped up on the fly, this held my attention more than Thor. I’d love to see this as a full movie.
Want. Definitely want.
Ditch The Hulk and add Power Man. Much more interesting character, my opinion of course.
give this man a movie!!!
I’m having a hard time seeing anything other than “the old spice guy.”
He’s a little skinny for Luke cage. At least to me, but his voice is commanding enough to pull it off.
Yeah he’s a lot smaller than I imagine Power Man. Also I agree, he needs a tiara.
Also if they are making a movie with him I want to see some Iron Fist and Misty Knight.
Actually, Iron Fist needs his own movie, too, but if they could do a pair of movies for the cost of a single one (given Marvel’s production budgets for the recent films, that should in no way be difficult) they could do something awesome and make Power Man/Iron Fist as a double-feature, with just enough hints of each other in the two films (and of course references to Avengers, Cap, IM, etc.) to make them fit together as a team-up.
Now that I think on it, Marvel really should have a lower-budget line (Marvel Grindhouse?) of production for things like Power Man, Iron Fist, Master Of Kung Fu, Misty Knight and Colleen Wing, Cloak & Dagger, Black Cat, Agents of Atlas, and possibly the mystics and monsters (Doctor Strange, Warlock, Morbius, Satana, Son of Satan, Brother Voodoo, Zombie, and eventually new versions of Punisher, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing and Howard The Duck once they get the rights back) movies which will flesh out the movie universe but wouldn’t hold up to a blockbuster.
Yeah, but they already made a lower budget Punisher movie and it didn’t really do very well. It kinda just dropped from theaters to DVD without much notice. One thing of note is that Ray Stevenson starred as Frank Castle in the Punisher: War Zone movie and he acted as Volstagg in the recent Thor movie. And he’s lined up to play Porthos in a new Three Musketeers movie.
BTW, would this mean that Power Man smells like the man women want their men to smell like?
…’Cuz I always figured Luke Cage just smelled kinda sweaty.
He would be a better Black Panther.
Terry Crews IS “Luke Cage, Hero for Hire”!
Actually for Black Panther, I really think that either Jimmy Jean-Louis (the Haitian from Heroes) or my favorite choice is Djimon Hounsou who actually did the voice of Black Panther for the TV series. He was also in Gladiator, Push and he played Midnite in Constantine too. He’d be perfect for the role.
Michael Jai White , he would do justice
Grotesk, Marvel Grindhouse sounds like an awesome idea. Be prepared for them to steal it from you without ever giving you credit.
Dravis, yes he would be a better Black Panther. No, Terry Crews as Power Man would be all the exploitative elements of Blacksploitation with only a thin, flaky facade of positive black superhero imagery.
Nope, see, I’m thinking Orlando Jones as Power Man! That’d be Awesome!
I’m intrigued. Why have you “always figured Luke Cage just smelled kinda sweaty?” What do other Marvel characters smell like in your imagination?
We can imagine Namor smelling like the sea, or Nightcrawler with a slightly sulfurous tinge wafting after him (depending on how long he’s been in limbo during teleportation). Wildcat II might smell like a cat, etc.
So back to Luke Cage…??? Please don’t say “I never really thought about it”, cuz on some level, yes, you have.
Thanks in advance.
The 70’s Power Man, with the disco shirt and tiara, probably smelled like Hai Karate, but the shirtless-or-wife-beater Luke Cage with the bald head just looks like he’s streamlined his style rather a lot, perhaps to the point of realizing that since his job is to punch things and people, he wouldn’t worry about fussy things like cologne. I imagine a lot of superheroes would get like that. Frank Castle and Deadpool would probably not rank very high on the pleasant scent scale, for example.
Unlike Iron Fist who obviously is fairly metro; the 70’s version probably smelled like Tibetan incense and the current would likely be a Giorgio Armani man. Tony Stark would probably have some kind of body wash system built into the armor these days and smell like whatever the latest high-end scent in fashion would be. The FF, as I mentioned in a previous thread, probably all smell like Mountain Springtime fabric softener (because unstable molecules smell that way. Or like cumin.)
On the other hand, Spider-Woman would smell like dark, naughty, pretty things, She-Hulk would have a cocoa butter and vaguely warm morning-after sheets scent, I think it was mentioned that Kitty Pryde smells like jasmine, and Namora… well…
Daredevil smells like leather and Old Spice..and scotch.
Ben Grimm smells like home.
I wonder if Ben Grimm smells like a Quarry?