According to Marvel, the Marvel Architects initiative spotlights writers and artists telling the “most exciting and impactful stories” in the Marvel U.
Marvel’s Writing Architects
- Brian Michael Bendis, writer of Avengers, New Avengers, Death of Spider-Man, the upcoming Moon Knight and an upcoming top secret project
- Matt Fraction, writer of Thor, Invincible Iron Man, and a top secret upcoming event
- Ed Brubaker, writer of Captain America, Secret Avengers and top secret upcoming new series
- Jonathan Hickman, writer of Fantastic Four, S.H.I.E.L.D. and a top secret upcoming new series
- Jason Aaron, writer of Wolverine, Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine and a top secret upcoming new series
“These are five of the top writers in comics and they’re writing some of the best Marvel Comics ever” said C.B. Cebulski, SVP Creator & Content Development. “Each of their projects lays the groundwork for the future of the Marvel Universe and in 2011, their plans—which are being seeded in their current work as we speak—will come to fruition. There’s never been a better time to be a Marvel fan.”
There are some mighty big names on that list, but I wonder if the company is forgetting anyone?
Along with Fraction, Aaron and Hickman, Marvel were initially giddy about Rick Remender. Got himself an exclusive and everything. Kinda sucks that Kieron, Van Lente, Pak, Abnett & Lanning didn’t make the cut. Especially with Bendis putting out such medicre work.
My trust in Marvel right now is at an all time low. So when they say “future project/series/event/etc.” I really want to add “that wont last a year and a half” to the end of it. I’m down to “Chaos War #4” and Secret Avengers and if/when the series starts to suck I’ll be done with Marvel for awhile. Same goes for DC and Wonder Woman.
I feel that unless I do this I won’t have inner peace.
No love for Dan Slott???? And Abnett & Lanning definitely deserve some more L-O-V-E
Suprised Millar isn’t one. I’m not a huge fan of his but somewhat suprising. Marvel’s quality is at an all time for me. That and them deciding to keep their prices for one of their best books at $3.99. DC’s quality is better right now and I never thought that would happen.
Nobody mentions that they aren’t crediting Fraction on Uncanny, wonder if Gillen will be taking over for him?
I currently pull a handful of Marvel Comics, SHIELD, Uncanny X-Force, Deadpool MAX, and I am dropping Fantastic Four and putting on trade waiting alongside Captain America. I don’t like the universe that Marvel is trying to build, I don’t care what crosses with what, I just want fun entertaining comics and that’s it. I don’t want events. I was stories that aren’t company wide. But I will let my money speak for me, because that is the only language that Marvel understands.
Anybody else notice that they’re all white guys in their 30’s? :)
Not that I’m not, mind you, but diversity isn’t just a college for swimmers. Anybody remember Girl Comics?
“Anybody else notice that they’re all white guys in their 30′s? :)
Not that I’m not, mind you, but diversity isn’t just a college for swimmers. Anybody remember Girl Comics?”
I don’t remember Girl Comics, I though it was a small attempt appease female comic book fans. It’s a shame that there are not more female comic book writters like Gail Simone, who for the life of me is the only female writer to write a continuing series. That shouldn’t be.
That was nothing more than Joe & posse trying to grandstand. Style & noise over substance like most of Marvel’s recent announcements like the whole price drop thing.
Also: “Impactful” is a terrible, terrible, made-up word.
Marvel continues to push Hickman to my annoyance. Impact? Secret Warriors and SHIELD have had zero impact on the greater MU and will be retconned quietly away when both get shit canned. I tried getting into his F4 but forgot his try out mini at the start of Dark Reign was even coming out at the beginning of Dark Reign and then got sick of his text pages finishing story in the main book. To me text pages are lazy and like making a TV show with only audio. You’re only using half the medium…
Thank you, Matthew. I came here to say exactly that.
This is an interesting structure.
From my observations: their A-list writers are getting 3-star reviews all over the place, spare Hickman, and the B-listers not mentioned – DnA, Gillen, PAD, Remender, Pak, VenLente, Slott – are putting out much more critically praised issues.
It’s like when you play Mortal Kombat and the second-to-last guy is always way harder than the boss…