It’s no secret that Evan Shaner love Captain Marvel, and his latest post over at ComicTwart is so stunning that DC needs to pay close attention to what he’s done, and sign Shaner up for a Captain Marvel mini-series right-frickin’-now!

Spoiler warning: there is no next page. I’ve got nothing that I haven’t said on the internet a million times already, but Captain Marvel’s a favorite of mine. Sorry for the nonsense “storyline” but it was an excuse to fit in as many characters as I could.
This is extremely cool and it would have fit perfectly in Wednesday Comics.
DC needs to at last figure out what they wanna do with the Marvel family and stick to it ! I’m really tired of seeing some of my favorite characters being yanked from one interpretation to another and always being obscure d-listers.
That page is a beautiful channeling of CC Beck. The only part of the art I don’t like is the “blue-eyed” shot of Cap.
Thanks for the heads-up, I’m bookmarking his page for sure.
I was dedicated enough to purchase the Microfiche copies of Whiz Comics (thru 50) and Captain Marvel (thru 20) and I may have to warm up the ‘fiche reader to re-enjoy those issues. I cannot think of a feature in Whiz that I didn’t enjoy. The clean art style was a major factor for me.
Seriously, Congress needs to quit felating the big media companies and let character who are 70+ enter the public domain as the fucking law intended (before it was, you know, purchased and sodomized by Disney and Time-Warner the last two times their marquee characters were about to go public).
There is SO MUCH that could be done with characters by fans and *gasp* entrepreneurs hungry for a buck that would actually BENEFIT the previous owners who neglect their properties.
Seriously – a small publisher might reignite interest in the Marvel Family where DC has failed, but who better to capitalize and profit on it than the media conglomerates?
Stupid fuck-tards…
You officially win the award for the most aggressive comment I’ve seen in the last year and a half on Major Spoilers.